Posted on: May 22, 2020

Called to Embrace a New Pentecost - Reopening of Churches in Diocese


As we are called to embrace a new Pentecost and prepare our faith communities in the Diocese of Victoria to reopen to celebrate the Sacred Liturgy together, we do so intentionally to guarantee the health and well-being of those entrusted to our care.   Each pastor and parish must take responsibility for following the established General Directives, Liturgical Directives, and Provincial Health Authorities mandates, to make the appropriate adaptations for their individual communities based upon size and resources.   

Please take a moment to read these three important documents:

Pastoral Letter from Bishop Gary Gordon

General Directives for the Reopening of Churches during Covid-19

Liturgical Directives for the Celebration of Mass and the Sacraments during Covid-19

We will be posting more information next week explaining how the reopening of our parish will proceed. This will include how to register for Mass and the schedule of Mass going forward.

Posted on: May 20, 2020

Memo from Cynthia Bouchard, Chancellor, Regarding Pastoral Centre Re-Open Plans

Please read this memo Re-opening of Pastoral Centre from the Chancellor, Cynthia Bouchard, regarding the gradual re-opening plan of the Pastoral Centre on May 19, 2020.

As well, please read this document COVID 19 Cleaning and Disinfecting your premises produced by the Ecclesiastical Insurance Office, which provides important information regarding sanitization and procedures that we, as a parish, will be following.

Posted on: May 7, 2020

Be Ready To Open The Door

“Be Ready to Open the Door” was the theme of Bishop Gary Gordon’s recent Pastoral Letter. During this Easter Season we are spiritually and practically challenged to envision “new life” and a “new normal” in the midst of a global pandemic.  Premier Horgan has announced the gradual reopening of the province, and the Bishop has appointed an ad hoc committee to address protocols for the “reopening” our parishes in the Diocese. More information will follow in the future.

Many thanks and blessings,

Cynthia Bouchard, Chancellor

Diocese of Victoria